Species Family DI (mm)a IEb Spore germination (%)c
Artemisia afara Asteraceae 4.5 3 18.8 
Citrus limon Rutaceae 1.3 1 46.1 
Echinops sp. Asteraceae 5.7 4 13.3 
Lantana camara Verbenaceae 35.3 4 10.1 
Lantana viburnoides Verbenaceae 5.0 3 12.6 
Nicotinia tabacum Solanaceae 1.0 3 42.6 
Ocimum lamifolium Lamiaceae 2.5 3 24.7 
Ocimum sp. Lamiaceae 2.2 3 30.9 
Ruta chalepensis Rutaceae 4.5 3 13.7 
Thymus serrulatus Lamiaceae 1.8 2 18.1 
Vernonia amygdalina Asteraceae 5.3 3 16.3 
Zingiber officinale Zingiberaceae 4.0 3 16.8 
Control - 0.0 0 89.1 
LSD (0.05)   1.41   4.32
adiameter of inhibition zone in mm measured after 4 days of incubation
binhibition effect on a 0-4 scale, where 0=none and 4=strong inhibition
cspore germination 24 h after treatment
Values are means of three replications
Table 1: Antifungal activity of some plant species from Ethiopia against C. gloeosporioides.