Plant species Conidial germination (%)a,b
Prosopisjuliflora 0.3 (2.0)k
Acacia albida 0.2 (2.2)k
Dovyalisabyssinica 0.5 (3.8)k
Carbendazim 1.2 (4.6)k
Argemonemexicana 5.6 (13.6)j
Vernoniaamygdalina 8.7 (17.1)j
Azadirachtaindica 13.0 (21.1)i
Acacia seyal 18.7 (25.6)h
Plantagolanceolata 19.7 (26.3)h
Meliaazedarach 23.3 (28.9)gh
Cynodondactylon 27.3 (31.5)g
Petiveriaalliacea 34.1 (35.7)f
Moringaolifera 34.9 (36.2)f
Ricinuscommunis 78.5 (62.4)e
Daturastramonium 85.7 (67.8)d
Verbasacumsinaiticum 85.9 (68.0)d
Cassia occidentalis 91.0 (72.4)c
Lantana camara 91.8 (73.4)bc
Solanumincanum 93.3 (75.2)abc
Oleaeuropaea 94.3 (76.3)abc
Schinusmolle 95.0 (77.5)ab
Untreated control 95.4 (77.9)a
Calotropisprocera 95.7 (78.1)a
CV (%)   5.70
aPercentage of germinated spores 24 h after incubation (mean of three replications)
bValues in the parenthesis are arcsine transformed
Means followed by the same letters within the column are not significantly different
(P<0.05), DMRT
Table 2: Effect of methanolic extracts of 21 plant species on conidial germination of Colletotrichum musae.