Treatments Mgt options) Moisture content (%)
Hadinet Lemlem
Soil depth (cm) Soil depth(cm)
  0-40 41-80   0-40 41-80
 C 1.87 3.06a 3.93a 4.32a
 F 3.57 5.63ab 7.30b 8.85bc
 GP 4.16 6.05b 7.37b 8.35ab
 GP+F 3.12 8.86cd 10.09cde 9.73bc
 GP+SI+TD  5.15  9.04d 12.61ef 14.23de
 GP+SI 5.07 7.35bcd 8.50bc 9.86bc
GP+SI+F 4.23 6.43bcd 9.62bcd 9.74bc
GP+TD 3.22 6.13b 8.02bc 8.94bc
GP+TD+F 3.78  6.19b 9.20bc  10.16bcd
SI 5.51 7.55bcd 11.93def 12.22bcde
SI+F 4.32 7.70bcd 10.15cde 11.58bcde
SI+TD 6.46 6.66bcd 13.68f 14.31de
SI+TD+F  5.60 8.92d  11.96def  13.10cde
SI+TD+F+GP 4.34 7.31bcd 12.91f 14.63e
TD 4.03 6.90bcd 7.04b 8.30ab
TD+F 3.39 5.29ab 9.07bc 10.87bcde
DMRTa  0.5 ns 2.718 2.690 4.267
CV % 35.9 23.9 16.8 24.2
aAny means having the common letter are not significantly different at the 5% level of significance
Table 4: Effect of Agronomic management options on moisture retention in different soil depth at harvesting.