Treatments Hadinet Lemlem
  A.flavus Infection(%) A.niger Infection (%) A.flavus Infection (%) A.niger Infection (%)
 C 17.3d 5.7 19.3f 6.3
 F 9.7bcd 6.3 7.7e 5.0
 GP 7.0abc 5.0 8.0e 4
 GP+F 10.0cd 5.3 7.3de 2.0
 GP+SI+TD 4.3abc 3.0 4.7ab 4.0
 GP+SI 6.7abc 3.3 5.7abc 2.3
GP+SI+F 10.3cd 4.0 5.0ab 1.7
GP+TD 5.7abc 3.7 7.3de 2.3
GP+TD+F 10.0bcd 3.3 8.0e 3.7
SI 4.0ab 2.7 6.0bcd 2.3
SI+F 5.0abc 2.3 6.7cde 2.7
SI+TD 3.0a 1.3 4.3a 2.7
SI+TD+F 6. 0abc 3.7 5.0ab 1.7
SI+TD+F+GP 10.3cd 6.3 5.3abc 2.3
TD 7.7abc 2.7 7.7e 4.0
TD+F 7.3abc 6.0 5.0ab 2.7
DMRTa 0.05 1.238 ns 0.2918 ns
CV % 27.5 33.5 6.5 32.5
Table 6: Effect of integrated Agronomic management practices on A.flavus, and A.nige infection (severity) of groundnut seed at Hadinet and Lemlem experimental site means having the common letter are not significantly different at the 5% level of significance.