Treatments                     Rates/ml   *Plant growth response     Shoot Dry wt.
  Shoot Length
   Inc.%   Shoot  fresh
wt. (g.)
  Root fresh wt.(g.)   Total  Plant fresh wt.(g)   Inc. %
Clayey Soil
Bio-arc 5
 18.3e 35.6 10.9de 5.8d 16.7 26.5    1.7ef  70.0
 21.0d 55.6 11.3c-e 5.8d 17.1 29.5  1.7ef  70.0
  22.0cd 63.0  11.7c-e 6.2d 17.9 35.6  2.2de 120.0
 23.0c 70.4 12.0cd 6.7cd 18.7 41.7 2.8cd 180.0
Nemastrol 0.25  27.0a      100.0     13.7a-c 8.8a 22.5 70.5 3.0b-d 200.0
Bio-arc+Nemastrol 5+0.25
  25.0b 85.2  12.4b-d 8.5ab 20.9 58.3 3.2a-c 220.0
  25.3ab 87.4 13.6a-c 8.7a 22.3 68.9 3.5a-c 250.0
  25.5ab 88.9 14.9ab 8.5ab 23.4 77.3   3.7ab 270.0
       26.0ab 92.6       15.9a 9.4a 25.3 91.7 3.9a 290.0
Oxamyl 18.8e 39.3 11.9cd 7.6bc 19.5 47.7 1.3f  30.0
Plant free of N 13.8f 2.2 11.1de 9.2a 20.3 53.8 1.2f  20.0
N alone 13.5f 0.0 9.3e 3.9e 13.2 0.0 1.0f    0.0
Sandy Soil
Bio-arc 5
12.9ef 7.5 2.1f 2.5ef 4.6 70.4 0.6g-i 50.0
14.5e 20.8 2.1ef 2.9d-f 5.0 85.2 0.9f-h 125.0
17.3d 44.2 2.9de 2.5e-g 5.4 100.0 1.5d 275.0
22.3c 85.8 4.4c 3.0de 7.4 174.1 1.8cd 350.0
Nemastrol 0.25 13.3ef 10.8 2.1f 1.8gh 3.9 44.4 1.0fg 150.0
Bio-arc+Nemastrol   5+0.25
18.0d 50.0 3.1d 2.2f-h 5.3 96.3 1.0ef 150.0
22.5c 87.5 5.4b     4.5c  9.9 266.7 2.2ab 450.0
25.5ab 112.5 5.7b 5.3b 11.0 307.4 2.1bc 425.0
27.3a  127.5 6.7a 6.0a 12.7 370.4 2.5a 525.0
Oxamyl 18.5d 54.2 1.3g 1.6h 2.9 7.4 0.6hi 50.0
Plant free of N  24.0bc 100.0 4.2c 3.3d 7.5 177.8 1.5de 275.0
N alone 12.0f 0.0 1.0g 1.7h 2.7 0.0 0.4i 0.0
Means in each column followed by the same letter(s) did not differ at P±0.05 according to Duncan`s multiple range test*Each value presented the mean of four replicates N = M. incognita (2000 eggs/ plant)
Table 1: Impact of Bio-arc (Bacillusmegaterium) and Nemastrol (a mixture of active ingredients) on plant growth response of sugar-beet var. Negma grown in two soil types infected with M. incognita under greenhouse conditions (27 ± 3°C).