Treatments no. Description
Control No inoculation of Ganoderma
T1 Inoculation of G-1.
T2 Inoculation of G-2
T3 Inoculation of G-3
T4 Inoculation of G-4
T5 Inoculation of G-1+addition of T. harzianum suspension
T6 Inoculation of G-2+addition of T. koningii suspension
T7 Inoculation of G-3+addition of T. viride (green strain ) suspension
T8 Inoculation of G-3+addition of T. viride (yellow strain) suspension
Here, G1-Ganoderma lucidum-1, G2-Ganoderma lucidum-2, G3-Ganoderma lucidum-3, G4-Ganoderma applanatum.
➢ 5 replication in each treatment except control where 10 replications were used.
Table 2: Treatments used to assesses the pathogenecity of Ganoderma spp. and its control using antagonistic potentiality of Trichoderma spp. at field condition.