Seed development period [heeding to harvest maturity] Maximum temperature average[°C] Minimum temperature average[°C] Daily sunny hours Daily precipitation[mm] Dailyrelative humidity
Seed develop. period 2012/03/01 to2012/09/01 SEED develop.period 2012/03/01 to2012/09/01 Seed develop. period 2012/03/01 to2012/09/01 Seed develop. period 2012/03/01 to2012/09/01 Seed develop. period 2012/03/01 to2012/09/01
Amlash 2012/07/05 to2012/08/15 31.15 27.02 21.03 16.85 7.75 6.26 1.02 3.04 72.42 73.90
Zeybakenar 2012/06/30 to2012/08/10 29.88 26.34 21.75 18.48 7.95 6.87 3.70 2.05 73.45 74.23
Rasht 2012/06/30 to2012/08/10 30.34 27.29 21.43 17.99 6.92 6.41 3.10 2.89 81.22 80.91
Talesh 2012/07/05 to2012/08/15 30.54 25.89 22.17 17.83 7.36 6.01 1.20 2.72 69.01 74
Rostam-Abad 2012/08/05 to2012/09/10 30.05 28.79 22 19.43 8.30 7.24 0.10 0.50 65.80 63.99
Table 1: Meteorological information for different locations of seed production of Guilan province during seed development period and six months of year in 2012.