DF Gmax R50 GU D10 D50 D95 EC
Location 4 238.64** 0.000006* 909.88** 263.92** 251.44* 1525.5** 549.1**
Rep[Location] 15 16.69ns 0.000002ns 9.78ns 7.44ns 11.55ns 34.69ns 0.91ns
Error 80 90.24 0.000002 199.32 37.71 83.64 293.16 36.45
Coefficient Variance   10.07 10.33 12.43 10.84 12.97 17.83 14.86
ns: non-significant, * and **: Significant at 5% and 1% probability levels, respectively.
Table 6: Analysis of variance for percent of germination [Gmax], germination rate [R50], uniformity of germination [GU], D10, D50 and 95[in order of time that it takes to cumulative germination percentage reach its maximum 10, 50and95] and electrical conductivity [micro Siemens. cm-1. g-1] in different locations of seed production of Guilan province.