Sl. No. M. phaseolinaisolates Mycelial growth (mm)* Mycelial characters
1.  I1 83.33**c Black profusely aerial growth
2. I2 90.00 a Black profusely aerial growth
3. I3 90.00  a Grey profusely aerial growth
4. I4 80.33 d Grey profusely aerial growth
5. I5 86.66 b White grey profusely aerial growth
6. I6 84.00 c White grey profusely aerial growth
7. I7 74.33 e Black profusely aerial growth
*Means of three replications
**The means followed by a common letter are not significantly different at P=0.05 by DMRT
Table 4: Cultural characteristics of Macrophomina phaseolina isolates.