Sl.No. Mangrove leaf extracts Radial mycelial growth  (mm)* Per cent inhibition over control
1. Ipomoea pescaprae L. 32.66 ** d 63.16
2. Avecennia officinalis L. 44.33 f 50.00
3. Salicornia brachiata Roxb 21.33  ha 76.00
4. Salicornia brachiata. 50.00 j 43.60
5. Acanthus ilicifolius L. 28.00 c 68.41
6. ClerodendroninermeGaertn. 39.66 e 55.26
7. Rhizophora apiculata Blume. 23.00 b 74.05
8. RhizophoraconjucataBlume. 47.33 g 46.61
9. Suaeda maritima (Linn.)Dum 26.33 c 70.30
10. Control 88.66 i -
*Means of three replications
**The means followed by a common letter are not significantly different at P=0.05 by DMRT
Table 5: In vitro antifungal activity of water extracts from mangrove plants against Macrophomina phaseolina.