Number of differential hosts Type of differential hosts Number of isolates evaluated Origen of isolates Physiol ogical races determined Reference
6 Commercial pepper and cucurbit cultivars 49 Georgia 10 root rot races [65]
26 NM-RIL 20 Brazil 8 root rot races [53]
26 NM-RIL 12 New Mexico, Turkey, Holland, and Argentina 12 foliar blight races [59]
31 Commercial pepper lines and cultivars 4 Michigan, USA 4 root rot races [54]
42 Commercial tomato cultivars and wild relatives 4 Michigan, USA 4 root rot races [61]
26 NM-RIL 17 New Mexico, California, and Holland 13 root rot races [63]
11 Commercial pepper lines and cultivars 34 California, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Turkey 14 root rot races [56]
8 Commercial pepper lines and cultivars 5 Guangdong, China 2 root rot races [24]
18 Commercial pepper lines and cultivars 10 New Mexico, New Jersey, Italy, Korea, and Turkey 9 root rot races
5 foliar blight races
21 Solanaceous, cucurbits and legumes 26 Italy 13 root rot [34]
10 Solanaceous and cucurbits 30 Argentina, California, North Carolina, England, Japan, Mexico, New Mexico, Peru, East Virginia 14 root rot [60]
Table 2: P. capsici physiological races studies.