Sr. No. Common name of Phytoextracts Plant part used Conc. (%) Growth after 48hrs of incubation
Growth(mm) * Inhibition (%)
1. Acalypha(AcalyphaindicaL.) Leaves 5 45.67 (6.79) ** -13.25 (8.20) ***
10 52.67 (7.29) -30.59 (7.06)
2. Barmasi (Catharanthusroseus L.) Leaves 5 53.67 (7.36) -33.07 (6.88)
10 58.67 (7.69) -45.49 (5.91)
3. Garlic(Allium sativumL.) cloves 5 33.33 (5.82) 17.34 (9.89)
10 21.33 (4.67) 47.09 (11.30)
4. Turmeric(Curcuma longaL.) Rhizomes 5 42.33 (6.44) -4.959 (8.69)
10 46.67 (6.87) -15.71 (8.05)
5. Lantana(Lantana camaraL.) Leaves 5 54.67 (7.43) -35.57 (6.70)
10 70.67 (8.44) -75.20 (2.30)
6. Neem(AzadirachtaindicaJuss.) Leaves 5 46.33 (6.84) -14.90 (8.10)
10 48.67 (7.01) -20.69 (7.73)
7. Black Tulsi(OcimumbasilcumL.) Leaves 5 45.67 (6.79) -13.25 (8.20)
10 56.67 (7.56) -40.49 (6.23)
8. Babul (Acacia niloticaL.) Leaves 5 54.67 (7.42) -35.67 (6.64)
10 64.67 (8.02) -60.39 (4.45)
9. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus citriodora Hoch.) Leaves 5 59.33 (7.73) -47.13 (5.77)
10 51.33 (7.20) -27.30 (7.30)
10. Aloevera(Aloe barbadensisL.) Leaves 5 37.00 (6.12) 8.23 (9.42)
10 33.67 (5.84) 16.50 (9.85)
11. Cinnamon(Cinnamomumzeylanicum L.) Leaves 5 33.33 (5.82) 17.34 (9.89)
10 26.67 (5.21) 33.86 (10.70)
12. Ardusi(AdhatodavasicaNess.) Leaves 5 50.67 (7.16) -25.65 (7.40)
10 57.33 (7.60) -42.15 (6.20)
  Control - 40.33 (6.39) -
  S.Em.± C.D. at 5% S.Em.± C.D. at 5%
Treatment     0.04 0.12 0.12 0.35
Concentration     0.02 0.047 0.05 0.15
Treatment X Concentration     0.06 0.16 0.18 0.50
C.V.%   1.44 4.06
*Average of three repetition.
**Figures are √X + 0.5 transformed values.
***Figures are √ (X+80) transformed values.
Table 5: In vitro bio-efficacy of phytoextracts on mycelial growth of L. theobromae.