Treatment F.oxysporum Height(cm) FSW (g) DSW(g) FRW(g) Severity(cm) Infection%
Bacto_Prof + 51.6 a 10.622 a 1.868 ab 4.904 a 2.1a 4%
- 50.2 ab 10.162 ab 1.734 ab 4.678 a 0b 0
Endomyk_Basic + 46.4 abc 10.286 ab 1.844 ab 4.898 a 2.3a 5%
- 45.4 bc 9.484 bc 2.006 a 4.798 a 0b 0
Endomyk_Conc + 47.1 abc 10.00 ab 1.842 ab 4.5 a 1.8a 4%
- 42.5 cd 9.734 bc 1.648 ab 4.614 a 0b 0
Endomyk_Prof + 45.2 bc 9.96 ab 1.656 ab 4.568 a 2a 4%
- 42 cd 9.722 bc 1.636 ab 4.438 a 0b 0
Control + 35.9 e 8.36 d 1.146 c 1.932 b 2.8a 8%
- 39.8 ed 9.076 cd 1.35 bc 2.808 b 0b 0
Values are average of five plants, values within each column followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P<0.05) according to LSD. (+) means inoculated with F. oxysporum while (-) means non-inoculated with F. oxysporum.
Table 1: Effect of Fusarium oxysporum with the recommended dose of mycorrhizal products on growth of tomato plants.