Fungicides Spray frequency(Days)  DI (%) DS (%) Reduction of DS compared to control (%) AUDPC (%-days) Disease progress rate (r)
Ridomil Gold 7 37.07g 14.45f 27.75 357.00f 0.11
  14 50.93e 16.45d 17.75 431.67d 0.12
  21 68.38c 18.45b 7.75 472.89c 0.13
Agrolaxyl 7 54.09e 14.89fe 25.55 394.33e 0.11
  14 71.70c 17.55c 12.25 475.22c 0.12
  21 80.55b 18.89b 5.55 514.11b 0.12
Mancozeb 7 29.58h 10.45g 47.75 266.0g 0.09
  14 41.37f 15.33e 23.35 381.89fe 0.12
  21 61.04d 17.11dc 14.45 439.44d 0.12
Unsprayed - 89.24a 20.00a - 567.00a 0.28
Mean - 58.40 16.36 - 429.96  
CV (%) - 3.99 3.08 - 3.38  
LSD (5%) - 4.01 0.86 - 24.93  
Table 1: Effect of different fungicide and their frequency on disease incidence (DI), disease severity, AUDPC and disease progress rate of early blight of tomato under field condition at south Tigray, Ethiopia. CV: Coefficient of Variation; LSD: Least Significant Difference; DI: Disease Incidence; ns: Not Significant; DS: Disease Severity, Means in a column followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly different.