Month Total rainfall (mm) Rain day Temperature(°C) Relative humidity (%)
      mini max 10 a.m. 4 p.m.
January 21.84 2.00 20.55 31.23 75.00 75.00
February 0.00 0.00 22.18 32.86 75.00 75.00
March 38.10 5.00 22.58 32.81 72.74 62.94
April 183.81 10.00 22.30 30.67 74.00 68.90
May 198.63 11.00 21.61 29.52 74.77 69.87
June 168.60 11.00 21.17 28.67 75.67 72.70
July 283.96 19.00 20.71 27.35 74.90 73.61
August 219.18 12.00 20.26 26.61 76.13 76.16
September 197.60 16.00 20.50 27.43 77.00 77.00
October 167.90 11.00 20.74 28.55 77.00 77.00
November 41.91 2.00 21.70 30.37 77.00 77.00
December 15.75 2.00 19.39 29.35 66.77 66.03
Total 1537.28 101.00 253.69 354.42 895.98 871.66
Mean 128.10 8.42 21.14 29.54 74.67 72.64
Table 1: The total rainfall (mm), rain days, mean temperature (°C) and the relative humidity (%) of the site of the experiment in 2013.