MONTH FG(cm) FL(cm) FW/Plt(kg) NFPP FY(t/ha) DF(t/ha)
APRIL 5.162 20.010 2.408 5.505 481.6 2.408
MAY 2.383 12.359 0.178 2.271 35.5 0.178
JUNE 2.556 11.608 0.161 2.146 32.3 0.161
JULY 2.440 11.608 0.095 1.982 19.1 0.095
SEPT 5.162 20.010 2.443 5.577 483.6 2.419
MEAN 3.541 15.119 1.057 3.496 210.420 1.052
F-LSD(0.05) 0.1392 0.2097 0.0717 0.2023 12.92 0.0625
FG=Fruit girth, FL=Fruit length, FW=Fruit weight, NFPP=Number of fruit per plant, FY=Fruit yield, DF=diseased fruits
Table 6: The effect of planting time on some yield parameters of the six cucumber lines.