VARIETY     2WAP     4WAP        6WAP       8WAP       10WAP MEAN
M  - - - - 0.717 (1.073) 1.667 (1.392) 1.733 (1.446) 1.372 (1.304)
P76H - - - - 0.917 (1.167) 1.667 (1.421) 1.750 (1.454) 1.445 (1.347)
P76N - - - - 0.483 (0.952) 1.633 (1.388) 1.750 (1.451) 1.289 (1.264)
PF - - - - 0.733 (1.073) 1.650 (1.406) 1.783 (1.456) 1.389 (1.312)
PH - - - - 0.817 (1.114) 1.683 (1.404) 1.933 (1.514) 1.478 (1.344)
SM - - - - 0.250 (0.831) 1.433 (1.296) 1.567 (1.373) 1.083 (1.167)
MEAN - - - - 0.653 (1.035) 1.622 (1.385) 1.753 (1.449) 1.343 (1.290)
F-LSD(0.05)   -   -   0.0921   0.0696   0.0596    
M=Marketer,P76H=Poinsett 76 Holland, P76N=Poinsett 76 Netherlands, PF=Poinsett France,PH=Poinsett Holland, S=Super marketer. Values in parenthesis are squareroot transformed values to which LSD is applicable.
Table 9: The main effect of the six cucumber lines on disease severity on fruit at different weeks after planting for the five planting times considered.