VARIETY FG(cm) FL(cm) FW/Plt(kg) NFPP FY(t/ha) DF(t/ha)
M 3.398 14.580 1.034 3.317 206.7 1.034
P76H 3.368 14.711 1.077 3.473 215.4 1.077
P76N 3.462 15.151 1.001 3.477 200.1 1.001
PF 3.639 15.170 1.058 3.575 211.6 1.058
PH 3.515 14.857 1.037 3.519 207.5 1.037
SM 3.860 16.245 1.136 3.616 221.1 1.107
MEAN 3.540 15.119 1.057 3.496 210.400 1.052
F-LSD(0.05) 0.1525 0.2297 0.0786 0.2216 14.1500 0.0547
M=Marketer, P76H=Poinsett 76 Holland, P76N=Poinsett 76 Netherlands, PF=Poinsett France,PH=Poinsett Holland, S=Super marketer. FG=Fruit girth, FL=Fruit length, FW=Fruit weight, NFPP=Number of fruit per plant and FY=Fruit yield, DF=Diseased fruits
Table 10: The Impact of varieties on Some Yield Parameters Considered on the five planting times considered.