MAPRIL 0.417 (0.909) 0.833 (1.125) 0.917 (1.155) 0.917 (1.155) 1.167 (1.284) 0.850 (1.126)
MMAY 0.833 (1.138) 1.333 (1.344) 2.583 (1.735) 3.333 (1.939) 4.000 (2.121) 2.416 (1.655)
MJUNE 0.833 (1.1380 1.000 (1.225) 1.000 (1.225) 3.333 (1.939) 4.000 (2.121) 2.033 (1.628)
MJULY 0.833 (1.138) 1.000 (1.225) 1.000 (1.225) 4.000 (2.121) 4.000 (2.121) 2.167 (1.566)
MSEPT 0.000 (0.707) 0.833 (1.139) 1.167 (1.284) 1.250 (1.314) 1.583 (1.433) 0.967 (1.175)
P76HAPRIL 0.750 (1.068) 1.083 (1.241) 1.167 (1.284) 1.167 (1.284) 1.167 (1.284) 1.067 (1.232)
P76HMAY 0.750 (1.095) 1.417 (1.373) 2.417 (1.690) 2.917 (1.837) 4.000 (2.121) 2.300 (1.623)
P76HJUNE 1.000 (1.225) 1.167 (1.284) 1.250 (1.314) 2.917 (1.837) 4.000 (2.121) 2.067 (1.556)
P76HJULY 1.000 (1.225) 1.167 (1.284) 1.250 (1.314) 4.000 (2.121) 4.000 (2.121) 2.283 (1.613)
P76HSEPT 0.250 (0.837) 1.167 (1.284) 1.167 (1.284) 1.167 (1.284) 1.500 (1.403) 1.050 (1.218)
P76NAPRIL 0.667 (1.052) 0.750 (1.095) 1.000 (1.211) 1.083 (1.254) 1.250 (1.314) 0.950 (1.185)
P76NMAY 0.667 (1.052) 1.167 (1.284) 1.750 (1.472) 1.750 (1.472) 4.000 (2.121) 1.867 (1.480)
P76N3XJUNE 0.750 (1.095) 1.000 (1.211) 1.000 (1.211) 1.750 (1.472) 4.000 (2.121) 1.700 (1.422)
P76NJULY 0.750 (1.095) 1.000 (1.211) 1.000 (1.211) 4.000 (2.121) 4.000 (2.121) 2.150 (1.552)
P76NSEPT 0.667 (1.0520 0.750 (1.095) 1.083 (1.254) 1.083 (1.254) 1.250 (1.314) 0.967 (1.229)
PFAPRIL 1.000 (1.171) 1.250 (1.273) 1.167 (1.271) 1.167 (1.271) 1.250 (1.314) 1.167 (1.260)
PFMAY 0.917 (1.182) 1.417 (1.373) 1.917 (1.535) 1.917 (1.517) 4.000 (2.121) 2.034 (1.546)
PFJUNE 1.000 (1.225) 1.000 (1.225) 1.167 (1.284) 1.917 (1.517) 4.000 (2.121) 1.817 (1.474)
PFJULY 1.000 (1.225) 1.000 (1.225) 1.167 (1.284) 4.000 (2.121) 4.000 (2.121) 2.233 (1.595)
PFSEPT 0.667 (1.052) 1.500 (1.362) 1.250 (1.314) 1.250 (1.314) 1.417 (1.373) 1.217 (1.283)
PHAPRIL 1.000 (1.211) 1.333 (1.344) 1.250 (1.314) 1.250 (1.314) 1.250 (1.314) 1.217 (1.299)
PHMAY 0.750 (1.095) 1.667 (1.457) 2.500 (1.714) 2.333 (1.646) 4.000 (2.121) 2.250 (1.607)
PHJUNE 0.750 (1.095) 0.833 (1.139) 0.917 (1.168) 2.333 (1.646) 4.000 (2.121) 1.767 (1.434)
PHJULY 0.750 (1.095) 0.833 (1.139) 0.917 (1.168) 4.000 (2.121) 4.000 (2.121) 2.100 (1.529)
PHSEPT 0.917 (1.182) 1.333 (1.344) 1.250 (1.314) 1.250 (1.314) 1.500 (1.403) 1.250 (1.311)
SMAPRIL 0.417 (0.923) 0.667 (1.052) 0.750 (1.082) 1.000 (1.211) 1.083 (1.254) 0.783 (1.104)
SMMAY 0.500 (0.966) 1.000 (1.225) 1.500 (1.403) 1.583 (1.427) 3.917 (2.100) 1.700 (1.424)
SMJUNE 0.917 (1.168) 0.667 (1.052) 0.833 (1.139) 1.583 (1.427) 4.000 (2.121) 1.600 (1.381)
SMJULY 0.917 (1.168) 0.667 (1.052) 0.833 (1.139) 4.000 (2.121) 4.000 (2.121) 2.083 (1.520)
SMSEPT 0.583 (1.009) 0.667 (1.052) 1.083 (1.254) 1.083 (1.254) 1.083 (1.254) 0.900 (1.165)
MEAN 0.742 (1.086) 1.050 (1.224) 1.275 (1.308) 2.178 (1.588) 2.914 (1.804) 1.632 (1.402)
  F-LSD(0.05)      0.160      0.144   0.149   0.167   NS    
M=Marketer, P76H=Poinsett 76 Holland, P76N=Poinsett 76 Netherlands, PF=Poinsett France,PH=Poinsett Holland, S=Super marketer. Values in parenthesis are squareroot transformed values to which LSD is applicable.
Table 12: The effect of planting time and variety on phytophtora blight disease severity on leaves at different weeks after planting.