Characteristics N (%) Median
At Diagnosis    
Age, years 256 (100%) 56 (range 17-76)
Male 158 (62%)  
Female 98 (38%)  
Extra-nodal sites    
0 171 (66.7%)  
1 64 (25%)  
2 17 (7%)  
3 3 (1%)  
4 1 (0.3%)  
LDH (U/L) 256 (100%) 234.5 (range 110-2400)
0 56 (22%)  
1 192 (75%)  
2 8 (3%)  
I 32 (13%)  
II 43 (17%)  
III 57 (22%)  
IV 124 (48%)  
IPI risk factors    
Age, years    
> 60 94 (37%)  
≤ 60 162 (63%)  
Extra-nodal sites    
> 1 21 (8%)  
≤ 1 235 (92%)  
LDH (U/L)    
abnormal 126 (49%)  
normal 130 (51%)  
> 1 8 (3%)  
≤ 1 248 (97%)  
I/II 75 (29%)  
III/IV 181 (71%)  
IPI score    
0 32 (13%)  
1 79 (31%)  
2 101 (39%)  
3 38 (15%)  
4 6 (2%)  
≥ 2 145 (57%)  
< 2 111 (43%)  
At relapse    
> 60 98 (38%)  
≤ 60 158 (62%)  
Extra nodal sites-R    
> 1 29 (11%)  
≤ 1 227 (89%)  
abnormal 120 (47%)  
normal 136 (53%)  
> 1 30 (12%)  
≤ 1 226 (88%)  
I/II 109 (43%)  
III/IV 147 (57%)  
> 2 60 (23%)  
≤ 2 196 (77%)  
Pre-transplant Rituximab    
No 137 (54%)  
Yes 119 (46%)  
Number of prior treatments before transplant    
2 220 (86%)  
3 33 (135)  
4 3 (1%)  
At Transplant    
Age, years 256 (100%) 57 (range 17-77)
Outcome prior to transplant    
CR 66 (26%)  
PR 190 (74%)  
Conditioning regimens    
CTX/TBI 6 (2%)  
BEAC 47 (19%)  
BEAM 203 (79%)  
Infused CD34 256 (100%) 3.4 (range 2.0-14.9)
Abbreviations: Age-R= age at relapse; Extra nodal sites-R = extranodal sites at relapse; LDH = lactate dehydrogenase; LDH-R = lactate dehydrogenase at relapse; PS = performance status; PS-R; performance status at relapse; Stage-R = stage at relapse; IPI = International Prognostic Index; IPI-R = International Prognostic Index at relapse; CTX= cyclophosphamide; TBI = Total body irradiation: BEAC = BCNU, etoposide, Ara-C, and cyclophosphamide; BEAM = BCNU, etoposide, Ara-C, and melphalan; CR = complete remission; PR = partial response.
Table 1: Baseline patients’ characteristics.