Variables   DFS  
Univarite HR(95% CI p Multivariate HR(95% CI) p
LDH (<246 / ≥246) 1.95(1.06-3.57) 0.032 1.94(1.06-3.57) 0.032
Age (<40 / ≥40) 0.87(0.39-1.96) 0.738 - -
Gender (Male / female) 1.74(0.95-3.19) 0.074 1.74(0.95-3.19) 0.075
ALP (<129 / ≥129) 1.04(0.52-2.08) 0.909 - -
Creatinin (<1.3 / ≥1.3) 0.72(0.10-5.22) 0.764 - -
Fibrinogen group (<400 /≥400) 1.05(0.50-2.23) 0.892 - -
Donor status (gender match / gender mismatch) 1.03(0.53-2.02) 0.931 - -
Diagnosis (Acute leukemia / Others) 1.27(0.64-2.54) 0.485 - -
Time –to-tx interval (months (<12months / >12months) 1.67(0.91-3.09) 0.100 - -
HLA match (full match / ≥1 mismatch) 1.17(0.49-2.78) 0.731 - -
Conditioning regimen (Myeloablative / Nonmyeloablative) 1.43(0.75-2.73) 0.280 - -
CD34+ group (<8 / >8 (106/kg)) 0.63(0.26-1.54) 0.311 - -
Table 3: Univariate and multivariate analysis of parameters for disease-free survival (DFS).