Medium Basal Media Serum Supplementation
Control (FBS-M, HS-M, SF/XF- M) DMEM/F-12, SF/XF-M 10% FBS or 15% HS or no serum None
Osteogenic Medium (OM; FBS-OM, HS-OM, SF/XF-OM) DMEM/F-12, SF/XF-M 10% FBS or 50 µM L- ascorbic acid (Sigma),  10
15% HS or no mM beta glycerophosphate (Sigma),
serum 100nM 1,25 hydroxy Vitamin D3
  (VD; Sigma), 1% a/a, 1% GlutaMAX
Adipogenic Medium (AM; FBS-AM, HS-AM, SF/XF-AM) DMEM/F-12, SF/XF-M 10% FBS or 15% HS or no serum 33 µM biotin (Sigma) 1µM
dexamethasone (Sigma), 100 nM
insulin (life technologies), 17 µM
pantothenate (Fluka), 1% GlutaMAX,
and 1% a/a. Upon seeding of cells,
250 µM of isobutylmethylxanthine
(IBMX; Sigma) was added for 72
Chondrogenic Medium (CM) DMEM/F-12, SF/XF-M No serum Insulin Transferrin-Selenium+1
(Sigma), 50 µM L- ascorbic acid,
55µM sodium pyruvate (Life
Technologies),  23 µM L-proline
(Sigma), 1% GlutaMAX and 1% a/a.
TGF-β1 (Sigma)
Table 2: Lineage specific differentiation induced by media supplements.