Electron microscopy 1 or 2 RS >3 RS P
Cilia (absence) 3(23%) 7(77%) 0.08
Ultrastructure (compound cilia) 4(31%) 1(11%) 0.163
Normal ciliary orientation 6(46%) 2(22%) 0.367
Squamous metaplasia 2(15%) 3(33%) 0.609
Microvilli 11(85%) 5(56%) 0.178
Goblet cells (decreased/absence) 7(54%) 6(67%) 0.764
Cytoplasmatic mitochondria (decreased /absence) 4(31%) 7(78%) 0.164
Cytoplasmatic Vacuolization 5(38%) 5(56%) 0.666
Table 5: Rhinosinusitis recurrence and the nasal epithelium aspects under transmission electron microscopy in patients with and without chronic graft-versushost disease (GVHD). (1 or 2 RS=1-2 episodes of rhinosinusitis; >3 RS=more than 3 episodes of rhinosinusitis, P=P value).