Cell-sheet with omentum group Cell-sheet group Omentum group ICM group
Baseline 8 weeks Baseline 8 weeks Baseline 8 weeks Baseline 8 weeks
Pressure volume analysis                
ESPVR (mmHg/s) - 18 ± 1†, ‡, * - 11 ± 2 - 10 ± 4 - 8 ± 2
dP/dt (max) (mmHg/s) - 1600 ± 130 ‡, * - 1300 ± 120 - 1100 ± 130 - 940 ± 100
dP/dt (min) (mmHg/s) - -1600 ± 300 * - -1500 ± 260 - -1200 ± 260 - -1100 ± 120
Tau (msec) - 59 ± 18 - 56 ± 13 - 54 ± 8 - 50 ± 10
LVESP (mmHg) - 81 ± 14 - 75 ± 16 - 74 ± 13 - 78 ± 26
LVEDP (mmHg) - 6 ± 2 ‡, * - 7 ± 1 - 10 ± 2 - 12 ± 3
ICM: Indicates Ischemic Cardiomyopathy; ESPVR: End-Systolic Pressure Volume Relationship; LVESP: Left Ventricular End-Systolic Pressure; LVEDP: Left Ventricular End-Diastolic Pressure; LV: Left Ventricular. Date are presented as mean ± SE. †p < 0.05 vs. Cell-sheet group, ‡ p < 0.05 vs. Omentum group, *p < 0.05 vs. ICM group
Table 1: Implantation of skeletal myoblast cell sheets with omentum increased cardiac function, as shown by hemodynamic study.