Studies Disease Age/sex Experiment     N=number Route Type of cells Oucome measures/ phase
Prasad et al. [30] Acute Stroke 30-70 yrs 11(non randomized) Intravenous BM MNC No AE, seven patients had favourable outcomes.
Srivastava et al. [35] Chronic stroke 20-65yrs 20(non randomized case control) Intravenous BM MNC & BM MSC No AE, Modified barthel index statistically significant (p=0.04)
Prabhakar et al. [34] MND (ALS) Mean 49.1 yrs 10 (open label) Intrathecal BM MNC No AE, No significant deterioration in ALSFRS-R score
Srivastava et al. [35] Cerebral Palsy/static encephalopathy 16-30yrs 30 (open label) Intra-arterial BM MNC No AE, functional improvement observed.
Sharma et al. [36] DMD unknown 150 (open label) Intrathecal and intramuscular BM MNC No AE, 53% cases increase in muscle strength
Sharma et al. [37] Cerebral palsy DMD unknown 71 (open label) Intrathecal /intramuscular BM MNC 75% showed improvement in muscle tone, 50% in speech
Bhanot et al. [41] Chronic spinal cord injury 18-52yrs 13 (open label) Intrathecal BM MSC No AE, improvement in ASIA scale
Ravi kumar et al. [40] Spinal cord injury 8-55yrs 100 intrathecal BM MNC No AE, functional improvement observed
Venkataramana et al. [39] Parkinson’s disease 22-62yrs 7 (open label) Stereotactic Surgery BM MSC UPDRS score improved to 28%, 2.7 point change in Y & H scale
Pal et al. [42]  Chronic spinal cord injury unknown 30 (open label) Intrathecal BM MSC No SAE
NCT01883661 Multiple Sclerosis 18-65yrs 15 (open label) Intravenous BM MSC+ UCMSC Phase 1/ 2
NCT00976430 Parkinson’s disease 35-70yrs 5 (open label) Stereotactic BM MSC Phase 1 /2
NCT01984814 ALS 26-76yrs 57 (open label) Intrathecal/ intramuscular BM MNC Phase 2
NCT01834040 DMD 4-20yrs 30 (open label) Intravenous/ intralesional HUCMSC Phase 1 /2
NCT01834066 DMD 6-25yrs 25 (open label) Intravenous BM MNC Phase 1 /2
NCT02027246 Spinal cord injury 8mo-63yrs 166 (open label) Intrathecal BM MNC Phase 1
NCT02009124 Spinal cord injury 12mo-65yrs 250/250 (non randomized) Intrathecal BM MNC Phase  2
NCT01833975 Spinal cord injury 18-55yrs 50 (open label) Unknown BM MNC Phase 1/ 2
NCT01186679 Spinal cord injury 20-55yrs 6/6 (non randomized) Intralesional / Intrathecal BM MNC Phase 1 /2
NCT01834053 Huntington’s chorea 35-45yrs 50 (open label) Intravenous BM MNC Phase 1 /2
Table 1: Clinical studies with cell transplantation in India. Trials enlisted at clinical with registration number.