Questions related to hypoglycaemia and diet   DFU+VE  DFU-VE
Correct (%) Wrong (%) Correct (%) Wrong (%)
Do you know about hypoglycemia? 68 32 74 26
How to identify the symptoms of hypoglycemia? 66 34 68 32
Do you know how to treat hypoglycemia? 66 34 58 42
Do you know how to manage the hypoglycemia at home? 66 34 58 42
Do you plan your normal routine daily diet, according to modify insulin unit? 72 28 88 12
Do you manage the time interval between meal and insulin? 68 32 90 10
Are you able to identify food sources of carbohydrates? 64 36 76 24
Can you name the common food that should be avoided? 98 2 78 22
Did you know to substitute food from exchange list? 60 40 68 32
Table 2: Distribution of the responses to questions related to the hypoglycaemia and diet among the diabetic patients (DFU+VE) and (DFU-VE).