YSR subscales Parents’ relationship before divorce Parents’ relationship after divorce
Activities -0,02 0,05
Social competence 0,18* 0,12
Academic performance -0,03 0,04
Competence (total) 0,08 0,09
Withdrawn -0,13 -0,13
Somatic Complaints -0,02 -0,24**
Anxious/ Depressed -0,06 -0,23**
Social Problems 0,08 -0,03
Thought Problems -0,15 -0,23**
Attention Problems -0,06 -0,10
Delinquent Behavior -0,12 -0,14
Aggressive Behavior -0,08 -0,16*
Internalizing Problems -0,12 -0,23**
Externalizing Problems -0,11 -0,18*
Syndromes (total) -0,08 -0,27**
*p < 0.05 . ** p < 0.01
Table 5: Correlations (Pearson r) of the YSR subscales with variables concerning the quality of the adolescent’s relationship with his/her parents.