Variables Group N Mean S.D. t
Emotional adjustment ADHD 30 13.40 4.12 3.38*
  Normal 30 9.40 4.18  
Social adjustment ADHD 30 12.40 3.65 2.74**
  Normal 30 9.43 4.65  
Educational adjustment ADHD 30 12.13 3.97 1.43
  Normal 30 9.70 5.94  
Total adjustment ADHD 30 37.93 9.76 3.30**
  Normal 30 28.90 11.33  
High score of adjustment is poor adjustment
Law score of adjustment is good adjustment
ADHD=Attention deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
**=Significant at 0.01 level
Table 2: Comparison of findings of the Adjustment Inventory for School Students
between the ADHD group and the control group.