QUESTIONS Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Spearman's rho Sig. (2-tailed)
We trust one another. .774* .000 .783 .000
This was a very satisfying visit for me. .662 .000 .680 .000
I feel that he/she is not totally honest about his/her feelings toward me. .625 .000 .636 .000
We don’t agree upon the nature of his problems. .564 .000 .557 .000
The goals of these sessions are very important. .559 .000 .504 .000
Our relationship is very important. .642 .000 .563 .000
The things that he/she is asking me to do, don’t make sense. .571 .000 .481 .000
I feel uncomfortable with him/her. .425 .000 .420 .000
I felt angry sometimes during the interview. .446 .000 .444 .000
We understand each other. .628 .000 .636 .000
I have sympathy for him/her. .581 .000 .593 .000
He/she doesn’t show patience with me. .442 .000 .426 .000
I secretly hope not to see him again. .502 .000 .415 .000
He/she perceives accurately what my goals are. .583 .000 .558 .000
He criticizes me. .461 .000 .460 .000
We agree upon the procedure we follow for the best outcome. .653 .000 .647 .000
* All correlations were statistically significant at the 1% level.
Table 6: Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and Spearman rank order correlation coefficient of the doctors’ and patients’ answers in the common questions and the analogue scale (1-10) in the total of sample (Ν=160 meetings)