Andrusyna et al. [64] Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (Cbt Alliance) Wai-O-S (Working Alliance Inventory, Shortened Observer-Rated Version)
Arborelius and Timpka [56] Difficulties in Doctor -Patient Communication
Awad et al. [65] Drug Attitude Inventory (Dai) - 30
Baker [35] Questionnaire to Assess Patients’ Satisfaction with Consultations
Barak and Lagrosse [66]
Lagrosse [67]
Counselor Rating Form (Crf)
Barrett-Lennard [68]
Barrett-Lenard [69]
Barrett-Lennard Relationship Inventory
Beckman and Frankel [70] A Coding Method
Bender et al. [71] Compliance Self-Rating Scale (Coss)
Bergner and Bobbitt [72] The Sickness Impact Profile
Bertakis and Callahan [73]
Callahan and Bertakis [74]
Davis Observation Code (Doc): 20-Item
Physician – Patient Interaction Code
Bochmann and Petermann [75] Compliance - Vertrauen
Brody et al. [31] Ware Satisfaction Scale
Carlberg [57] Patient Satisfaction
Caron and Roth [76] Questions For Doctors
Chaitchik et al. [24] The Patient Attitudes Questionnaire 1 (Administered Before The Meeting)
The Patient Attitudes Questionnaire 2 (Administered After The Meeting)
Chaitchik et al. [24] A Questionnaire For The Physicians
Steven A Cole [77] Station #1 Examiner Rating Form - 1st Patient Encounter
Patient Satisfaction Rating Scale - 1st Patient Encounter
Consoli and Safar [78] Analyse De La Stratégie Thérapetique
Cooley and Lajoy [79] Understanding - Critical - Independence - Encouraging - Directive (Authoritarian)
Dazord et al. [50] The Helping Alliance Questionnaire
De Monchy et al. [62] The Doctor-Patient Scale (Dp Scale)
Dormaar et al. [80] Icp - The Measures Themselves are from the Interpersonal Perceived Consensus List
Durántez and Tirado [81] Clinical Interview
Ende et al. [82,83] Decision Making Preference Scale
Information-Seeking Preference Scale
Fernández et al. [12] Factors of Dissatisfaction with Health Care
Finlay et al. [84] 1. Actor-Patient Score
Finlay et al. [84] 2. Examiner Score Sheet
Fitzpatrick [38] Summed Scale of Satisfaction among Chronically Ill Patients
Baker’s Scale (1990) To Measure Satisfaction with Consultations
Foreman and Marmar [85] Coding Therapist Actions with Improved or Unimproved Therapeutic Alliances
Frank and Gunderson [86] The Psychotherapy Status Report
Franklin and Mclemore [87] Student Health Services (Shs) Scale
Freeman and Richards [88] Questions for Patient
Ganther et al. [13] Medical Care Preference Scale
Girard et al. [89] The Internship
Goerg et al. [90,91] What Specific Psychiatric Information and Skills Should
A Non-Psychiatric Doctor Have
(Questions for Doctors and Students)
Greco et al. [46] Doctor’s Interpersonal Skills Questionnaire (Disq)
Grol et al. [92] Work Satisfaction
Gudas et al. [93] Medical Compliance Incomplete Stories Test (Mcist)
Gulbrandsen et al. [94] Questions for Patients and Doctors
Günther and Meise [95] Compliance Index for Doctors
Hahn et al. [22] The Difficult Doctor -Patient Relationship Questionnaire
Ten-Item Version (Ddprq-10)
Hall and Dornan [14] Satisfaction with Medical Care
Hayes and Gelso [54] 16-Item Empathy Subscale (Of The Barrett-Lennard Relationship Inventory – Blri)
Henry et al. [96]
Moras and Strupp [97]
Vanderbilt Therapeutic Strategies Scale

Heszen-Klemens and Kapińska [98]

Recording and Analysis of Doctor-Patient Interaction
Hjortdahl and Borchgrevink [99] Questionnaire Related to Continuity and Use of Resources
Hjortdahl and Lærum [34] Continuity of Care - Consultation
Hodges et al. [100] OSCE Format (Observed Structured Clinical Exam)
Hogan [101] Development of an Empathy Scale
Holloway and Rogers [102] Level of Congruence - Likehood of Compliance - Commitment to Compliance - Satisfaction with Match
Holloway et al. [103] 3 Questions
Horvath and Greenberg [36] Item Stems of the Working Alliance Inventory
(Case Manager And Client Forms)
Hulka and Zyzanski [104]
Roberts and Tugwell [105]
Hulka Questionnaire
Kaplan et al. [42] Physician-Patient Interaction Indicators - Measures
Krupnick et al. [49] Vanderbilt Therapeutic Alliance Scales (Vtas)
Kurth et al. [106] The Relationship Patterns Questionnaire (Rpq)
Kurtz and Silverman [107] Calgary-Cambridge Referenced Observation Guides
Lærum et al. [108] Doctor Evaluation Form
Patient Evaluation Form
Langewitz et al. [109] Patientenzufriedenheits-Fragebogen (Pzf)
Levinson et al. [21] Physician Frustration
Lin et al. [110] Questionnaire on Patient Education
Linden et al. [15] Krankheitskonzeptskala (Kk-Skala)
Luborsky [111] Health-Sickness Rating Scale
Luborsky [51] The Helping Relationship Questionnaire
Luborsky et al. [52] Manual for Counting Signs of Helping Alliances in Psychotherapy Sessions (Hacs)
Luborsky et al. [52] Manual for Counting Signs of Therapist Behaviors Which Facilitate or Inhibit The Development of Helping Alliances in Psychotherapy Sessions (Tfbcs)
Ludwig et al. [112] ‘Krankheits Konzept-Skala’ - ‘Kk-Skala’
Disease Concept Scale
Malterud [113] 3 Questions
Marteau et al. [114] Career Intentions and Attitudes to Communication Skills of Students Intending to Specialize in Surgery, Hospital Medicine and General Practice
Marmar et al. [115] California Therapeutic Alliance Rating System (Caltars)
Marziali [16]
Marziali et al. [17]
Therapeutic Alliance Scale (Tas) The Items Used Were Selected from the Scales of Luborsky
Mason et al. [48] The Doctor – Patient Interview Evaluation
Matthews and Feinstein [29] A New Instrument for Patient’s Ratings Of Physician Performance in the Hospital Setting
Mcgaghie and Whitenack [116] Patient Description Questionnaire (Pdq)
(Physicians’ Perceptions Of Problem Patients)
Melville [23] Job Satisfaction
Meredith and Albert [117]
Meredith and Siu [118]
Stewart et al. [119]
Mos 20-Item (Short-Form)
Mira et al. [120] Cuestionario Font Roja-Ap
Morisky et al. [121] Compliance Index
Morgan et al. [53] Penn Helping Alliance
Manual For Ratings Helping Alliances In Psychotherapy Sessions
Morgan et al. [53] Penn Helping Alliance Questionnaire
Manual For Rating Therapists’ Behaviors That Facilitate Or Inhibit Development Of Helping Alliances
Muran et al. [122]
Wiggins [123]
Wiggins et al. [124]
The Interpersonal Adjective Scale (Ias-16)
Nnodim and Osuji [125] Attitudes to Social Issues in Medicine: Subscale Definitions
Orlinsky and Howard [126] Therapy Session Report (Tsr) Questionnaire
Participants in the bayer-fetzer conference on physician-patient communication in medical education [127] The Essential Elements of Communication in Medical Encounters
Peay and Peay [128] Symptom Evaluation By General Practitioners, Patients and Potential Patients
Petrusa et al. [44] Measuring The Doctor -Patient Relationship and Communication in a Clinical Performance Examination
Phillips [47] Professional Dominance / Doctor-Patient Relationship
Priebe and Gruyters [1] Helping Alliance
Reuben et al. [25] 3 Questions
Roberts and Tugwell [129] Ware Questionnaire
Roland et al. [18] Improving Care
Rost et al. [20] Roter Interaction Analysis System (Rias)
Roter et al. [130] Improving Physicians' Interviewing Skills
Salomon et al. [19] Scale for Measuring Inpatient’s Opinion on Quality of Hospital Care
Saltzman et al. [131] Therapeutic Relationship: Client Dimensions / Therapist Dimensions
Samstag et al. [132] Brief Psychotherapy Research Project Patient and Therapist Post-Session Questionnaire (Psq)
Saunders et al. [133] Therapeutic Bond Scale (Tbs)
Schmeling-Kludas [134] Skala Behandlungszufriedenheit - Skala Patient Kooperativ - Skala Patient Bedürftid/Belastet
Schnabl et al. [135] Interpersonal Skills/Degree of Empathy
Schnabl et al. [136] Interpersonal Skills (Ips) Rating Scale
Smith and Zimny [137] Emotion For 33 Statements of Patient Circumstances or Behaviors
Sparr et al. [138] Patient's Care - Interpersonal Relationships - Education - Overwork – Personal Factors
Suchman et al. [58] Physician Satisfaction Questionnaire
Todd [139] Recording and Analysis of Doctor-Patient Interaction
Tomasz et al. [2] All Items on Wai-O-S as Organized by the Three Subfactors of the General Therapeutic Alliance Factor:
Goal/ Task/ Bond1
Two Factors of CBT (Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy) Alliance
As Measured by the Wai-O-S / Agreement-Confidence
Van Thiel et al. [140] Maastricht History – Taking and Advice Checklist (Maas)
Viinamaki et al. [141] Illustrative Items
Waitzkin [45] Doctor - Patient Communication
Waldvogel et al. [142] Core Conflictual Relationship Theme (CCRT)
Wallston et al. [143] Health Locus of Control Scale Items
Ware and Snyder [30] The Patient Satisfaction Scale
Ware et al. [144,145] Ware Satisfaction Scale
Winefield et al. [146] Kagan’s Interpersonal Process Recall Model – (Doctor) Quality of Care (Patient)
Patient’s Satisfaction with the Consultation
Wright et al. [147] Selected Characteristics of Attending Physicians with Identification
As an Excellent Role Model
Ziv et al. [148] Peer Assessment Questionnaire
Feedback Questionnaire
Table 7: Literature and relevant questions to the therapeutic relationship.