Control group Experimental group
Pre –test Post –test Pre –test Post –test
Variable Mean Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation
Information 6 0 6 0 6 0 6 0
Orientation 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0
Mental control 7/8 1/3 7/73 1/6 7/8 0/67 8/71 0/457
logic Memory 12/7 4/1 13/9 3/8 13/06 4/14 15/1 3/7
Digit Span 12/8 4/6 12/5 3/58 8/3 1/2 9/7 0/83
Verbal Paired Associates, 17/03 2/17 17/7 2/5 18/23 1/37 19/76 1/3
Visual Reproduction 72/8 5/98 75/33 7/06 10/93 5/15 77/10 4/48
Total memory 72/8 5/98 75/33 7/06 68/30 5/15 77/10 4/48
Table 1: Mean and standard deviation of memory scores in pre- and post test.