• Sub Saharan countries north of Zambesi River
• Eastern Saudi Arabia
• Some States in India
• Mediterranean Basin e.g. Greece,Sardinia
• USA & Canada
• Brazil, Belize Columbia etc
• Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Barbados, Trinidad etc
• UK, France, Holland,
Distribution and Names of Indigenous Sickle Gene Haplotypes
• Western West Africa
• *Cameroon (Ekona)
• Central West Africa
• Central & East Africa
East Saudi Arabia & India
• Senegal – 3
• Cameroon – 17
• Benin – 19
• Bantu – 20
• Arab/India – 31
Note: *Most Cameroonians have the Benin haplotype. The Ekona haplotype is a recent discovery among the small population of the Ekona ethnic group
Table 1: Where SCD is found [45].