Sex N Siblings Parental Background Parental Occupation
Other siblings single parent (Mother only or Father only) Living with Both parents Divorced home Orphan Mother alive Father alive Artisan Civil servant  self-employed unemployed
Male 20 20, 100% 4, 20% 7, 35 % 4, 20% 1, 5% 3, 15% 1, 5% 7, 35 % 4, 20% 6, 30% 3, 15%
Female 20 20, 100% 5, 25% 6, 30% 3, 15% 2,10% 3, 15% 1, 5% 3, 15% 6, 30% 9, 45 % 2,10%
Table 4: This table presents the respondents’ Family background.