Actual Rank Preferred Rank *Actual Help Source in Help-Seekers n=164 n (%) *Preferred Help Source n=448 n (%)
1 1 Friend or Family 79 (48.2) Friend or Family 368 (82.1)
2 8 Unit Chain of Command 29 (17.7) Mental Health Professional 314 (70.1)
3 2 Mental Health Professional 26 (15.9) RMO or GP 274 (61.2)
4 4 Colleague 19 (11.6) Colleague 265 (59.2)
5 3 Regimental Medical Officer or Doctor 14 (8.6) Other Medical Staff 265 (59.2)
6 7 TRiM Practitioner 5 (3.1) Chaplain 256 (57.1)
7 5 Other Medical Staff 5 (3.1) TRiM Practitioner 222 (49.6)
8 6 Chaplain 3 (1.8) Unit Chain of Command 195 (45.8)
9 9 Big White Wall Therapist Support 2 (1.2) Big White Wall Therapist Support 194 (43.3)
*Some personnel sought help from or specified more than one source
Table 3: Source of Mental Health Support.