State-anxiety Mean SD t p
1) Study sample 47.7 29.3 1.13 0.25
2) Control group 42.3 27.2
1) Study sample        
     a) Males   (n=29) 39.5 26.3 -2.024         0.046
     b) Females (n=41) 53.6 30.2
2) Control group        
     a) Males   (n=35) 41.94 25.3 -0.11          0.90
     b) Females (n=35) 42.71 29.3
a) Males (n=64)        
     1) Study sample (n=29) 39.5 26.3 -0.374         0.71
2) Control group (n=35) 41.94 25.3
b) Females (n=76)        
     1) Study sample (n=41) 53.6 30.2 1.59           0.12
     2) Control group (n=35) 42.71 29.3
1) Study sample 62.2 30.4 4.43 0.0001
2) Control group 40.5 27.1
1) Study sample        
a) Males   (n=29) 48.8 30.2 -3.3 0.0015
b) Females (n=41) 71.6 27.1
2) Control group        
a) Males   (n=35) 39.88 25.3 -0.2 0.84
b) Females (n=35) 41.2 29.3
a) Males (n=64)        
1) Study sample (n=29) 48.8 30.2 -0.374 0.71
2) Control group (n=35) 39.88 25.3
b) Females (n=76)        
1) Study sample (n=41) 71.6 27.1 4,788 <0.0001
2) Control group (n=35) 41.2 29.3ù
Table 2: Mean and standard deviation (SD) of the state-anxiety and trait-anxiety in the study sample (n=70 patients with confirmed HAE) and in the control group (n=70) according to the gender.