A   Mean SD t p
Study sample 62.8 28.7 4.848 0.0001
Control group 38.5 30.2
Study sample        
 Males   (n=29) 53.2 29.6 -2.422 0.0181
Females (n=41) 69.5 30.2
Control group        
 Males   (n=35) 34.5 31 -1.128 0.2633
 Females (n=35) 42.6 29.3
Study sample 55.6 29.5 3.62 0.004
Control group 38.7 25.7
Study sample        
Males   (n=29) 41.5 28.1 3.72 0.0004
Females (n=41) 66.1 26.3
Control group        
Males   (n=35) 36.5 28.1 -0.693 0.4909
Females (n=35) 40.8 23.4
Table 3: Mean and standard deviation (SD) of the psychological disturbs (A) and depression (B) in the study sample (n=70 patients with confirmed HAE) and in the control group (n=70) according to the gender.