Type of physical abuse Degree of Incidence   
Always Usually Sometimes
N % N % N %
Burned with a fire 7 10.44 3 4.47 57 85.07
Beaten  with a knife 3 12 3 12 19 76
Kicked with a stick 8 3.37 10 4.23 219 92.4
Hitting on the head or  face 8 3.52 9 3.96 210 92.51
 Pinching  19 7.54 17 6.74 216 85.71
Pulling  hair 6 12.76 2 4.25 39 82.98
Twisting  ear 2 1.43 16 11.42 122 87.14
Kneeling down 8 8 18 15 87 77
Table 5: Degree of Physical Abuse Among Children Who Experienced the Problem (N=321).