No. Items
1 Who is responsible for keeping my teeth healthy?
2 If I have good oral health, who should get the credit?
3 If I get tooth decay or ache, who is to blame?
4 If I have missing teeth, or sensitive teeth or bleeding/ swollen gums, who is to blame?
5 If I have difficulty in eating, speaking, chewing and enjoying food because of problems with my teeth or mouth, who is to blame?
6 If I have difficulty in smiling, mixing with friends or indulging in social activities because of problems with my teeth, who is to blame?
7 If people make fun of me because of the condition of my teeth and mouth, who is to blame?
Scores Responses
1 Only me, no one else.
2 Mainly me, but also my family*, teachers, dentist  and friends to a small extent
3 Mainly my family*, teachers, dentist, and friends but also to a small extent, myself
4 Mainly  fate or god but also  my family*, teachers ,dentist and friends to a small extent
5 Fate or god only. Definitely not me
(*) =Family, as in Parents, grandparents, siblings, and other relatives
Table 1: The Questionnaire items and responses for the SILOC scale.