Fail-Safe N P-Curve
Medication Z P # of studies necessary to bring p-value to >alpha Right Skewed
Flatter than 33%
(Lack Evidence)
(lack evidence and p-hacked)
SSRIs 6.24790 0.00000 184 X2 (12)=18.18, p=.1104 X2(12)=11.6, p=.4787 X2(12)=6.36, p=.8966
Citalopram 1.00905 0.31295 0 - - -
Escitalopram* - - - - - -
Fluoxetine 3.94061 0.00008 19 X2 (4)=3.15, p=.5328 X2 (4)=4.6, p=.3308 X2(4)=2.46, p=.6519
Paroxetine 2.73021 0.00633 5 - - -
Sertraline 3.04984 0.00229 5 - - -
TCAs 1.30166 0.19303 0 X2(4)=0.46, p=.977 X2(4)=11.7, p=.0197* X2(4)=8.86, p=.0648
Amitriptyline 2.38321 0.01716 2 - - -
Clomipramine* - - - - - -
Desipramine 0.02107 0.98319 0 - - -
Imipramine 1.08406 0.27834 0 - - -
Nortriptyline -1.44434 0.14864 0 - - -
Other 2.23309 0.02554 2 X2(2)=1.08, p=.5837 X2(2)=2.95, p=.2288 X2(2)=1.75, p=.4163
Azaprolam* - - - - - -
Buproprin* - - - - - -
Venlafaxine* - - - - - -
Nefazadone* - - - - - -
*Too few studies to calculate Fail-Safe N
Table 2: Summary of Fail-Safe-N for included studies by medication and classification.