Mostcommon disordersof CLAP Brief description
a) Relationship problems Love frus tration, deception with the partner, in marriage, in friends hip, pas s ivenes s in relations hips .
b) Psycho-religious problems The feeling that everything is a s in and always feeling like a s inner, having made mis takes in life, as hamed, frightened, with fear of the devil, not able to stay in a church, with fears as s ociated with God’s punis hments .
c) Parapsychological problems Among the phenomena, we will lis t the most common: s plit pers onality or pros opopeia - dramatization of the uncons cious that attributes the phenomena to other theories s uch as reincarnation; telergy, or “evil eye”; telepathy – trans mis s ion of a mes s age from one pers on to another without any phys ical medium; xenoglos y – command of foreign languages not cons cious ly learnt; pre -cognition
– perception of future events ; trance - ps ychophys iological, hys terical, or hypnotic condition, where the uncons cious overwhelms the conscious ; ecstasy – s imilar to trance, manifes ted as mys tical and religious s ituations .
d) Psychosomatic disorders Attacks of nervous weaknes s , loss of conscious ness , loss of sensation (fainting), and dizzines s .
e) Dissociative identity disorder Usually the individual acts in a way, then in another and then in a completely oppos ite manner.
f) Addiction problems: alcohol and drugs Affecting people with depres s ion and cons idering life meaningless .
g) Panic disorder Characterized by pronounced fears and anxiety dis orders .
h) Diverse hallucinations The mos t frequent are auditory – the patient complains about hearing voices that criticize and/or threaten, noises , animals prowling; tactile -feeling, e.g. small animals running on their body; psychical –communication with strangers through their mind.
i) Samsonism The phys ical s trength of the patient is much greater than normal, for example, is able to lift very heavy objects .
Table 1: CLAP clinic classification of most common disorders found in their p atients. Source: created by the author.