EL Text Tot Seg 1 Seg 2
  Strongest statements for Total panel      
A3 A bomb under your car…  15 6 27
A9 A dirty nuclear bomb set off …  15 5 28
D2 You believe that international cooperation in the United Nations will keep you safe  13 23 1
D3 You think United Nations Forces will keep you safe  12 22 -1
A4 Bombs blowing up in the middle of a building…  12 4 22
A7 A deadly disease like smallpox or anthrax let loose...  10 3 19
D1 You trust that God will keep you safe  -7 -13 0
  Strongest statements for Segment 1 - Anxiety from outside contact with a government agency (national or international)      
D2 You believe that international cooperation in the United Nations will keep you safe  13 23 1
D3 You think United Nations Forces will keep you safe  12 22 -1
D4 You believe that Homeland Defense will keep you safe  7 14 -2
D5 You believe that the Center for Disease Control will keep you safe  8 14 1
D7 You think that your Local hospital will keep you safe  6 10 0
D9 You need to contact your friends and family to make sure they are OK…  -6 -12 0
D1 You trust that God will keep you safe  -7 -13 0
  Strongest statements for Segment 2 - Anxiety from actual terrorist acts      
A9 A dirty nuclear bomb set off …  15 5 28
A3 A bomb under your car…  15 6 27
A4 Bombs blowing up in the middle of a building…  12 4 22
A7 A deadly disease like smallpox or anthrax let loose...  10 3 19
A6 Contamination of the food supply…   9 2 18
A8 A Computer virus let loose that impacts your everyday businesses…  -2 0 -4
Table 3: Strongest performing (most anxiety producing) statements for total panel, and for the two concept-response segments.