n %
     Female 426 66
     Male 219 34
Marital status    
     Single 212 32.8
     Married 212 32.8
     Civil union 73 11.4
     Widowed 7 1.1
     Emotional attachment 105 16.3
     Other 36 5.6
Employment history  
     Unemployed 65 10.0
     Student 104 16.2
     Temporary 32 5.0
Employed 305 47.3
Self-employed 58 8.9
Retired 42 6.4
Other 39 6.1
     Up to 12 years of school 114 17.6
     University/college attendance 63 9.7
     Pre-graduate degree 202 31.3
     Post-graduate degree 266 41.4
Table 2: Demographic characteristics (n=645).