  Positive Emotions Socially Gratifying Interactions Self-Caring Participation in Meaningful Activities Socio-Economic Structure Engagement
Item 8 0.707        
Item 41 0.692        
Item 38 0.676        
Item 5 0.674        
Item 7 0.666        
Item 2 0.650        
Item 1 0.649        
Item 37 0.600        
Item 6 0.564        
Item 25 0.564        
Item 40 0.467        
Item 39 0.413        
Item 9 0.385        
Item 4 0.369        
Item 19   0.750      
Item 21   0.688      
Item 18   0.677      
Item 16   0.534      
Item 22   0.480      
Item 10   0.379      
Item 20   0.373      
Item 27   0.312      
Item 35   0.242      
Item 11     0.763    
Item 12     0.730    
Item 13     0.712    
Item 17     0.516    
Item 14     0.504    
Item 15     0.468    
Item 36     0.174    
Item 32       0.691  
Item 24       0.661  
Item 23       0.625  
Item 31       0.622  
Item 26       0.515  
Item 3       0.432  
Item 29         0.748
Item 30         0.694
Item 33         0.544
Item 34         0.493
Item 28         0.338
Cronbach’s α 0.902 0.747 0.742 0.740 0.635
Correlations Between Factors          
Positive Emotions -        
Socially Gratifying Interactions 0.661** -      
Self-Caring 0.549** 0.539** -    
Participation in Meaningful Activities 0.524** 0.494** 452** -  
Socio-Economic Structure Engagement 0.392** 0.296** 0.284** 0.205** -
**p< 0.001
Table 4: Factor loadings values for the items and the correlation matrix between factors.