Variable urban rural
n % n %
Age 65-69 141 35.97 144 28.8٪
70-74 87 22.19 98 19.6٪
75-79 55 14.03 90 18٪
80-85 65 16.58 88 17.6٪
>85 44 11.23 80 16٪
Sex Male 262 66.84 278 55.6٪
Female 130 33.16 222 44.4٪
Education Illiterate 311 79.34 312 62.4٪
Medium 16 4.08 176 35.2%
High 65 16.58 12 2.4٪
work Working 181 46.17 268 53.6٪
Not working 211 53.83 232 46.4٪
Marital status Married 214 54.59 300 60٪
Divorced 34 8.67 178 35.6٪
Widow 112 28.57 22 4.4٪
Single 32 8.16 0 0
Socio-economic status low 209 53.32 390 78٪
Average 133 33.93 100 20٪
High 50 12.76 10
Sum 892 392 100 500 100
Socio economic status: monthly income in Saudi riyals
low –less than 5000
medium – 5000 to 15000
high – more than 15000
Education level:
Medium – upto 9th grade ; High – 10th grade and above
Table 1: Demographic and social data of the samples.