Question Frequency Percentage
Have you ever had sex?  
  No response 33 11
 Never had sex 164 54
  Have had sex 105 35
How frequent do you have sex        
  No response 33 11
 Never     164 54
Once a month 28 9
 2-4 times a month 16 6
 Weekly sexual contact 61 20
How many sex partners  
  No response 20 7
  None 90 30
Only one Partner 131 43
 2 Partners only 38 13
 3 or more partners 23 7
Do you protect yourself (e.g. with condom) during sex?  
No response 16 5.3
 No 256 84.8
  Yes 30 9.9
Marital status    
No response 1 0.3
 Singles 280 92.7
Married 21 7.0
Table 2: Demograhphics - sexual networking characteristics among the participants