Item Factor loading Corrected item-scale correlation
Middle Eastern and Arab regions 0.72 0.74
Islam 0.61 0.65
History and archaeology 0.64 0.68
Literature and cinema 0.69 0.72
Architecture and art 0.71 0.73
Music and dance 0.70 0.73
Politics and conflicts 0.64 0.69
Economy and petroleum Resources 0.56 0.62
Tourist resources 0.63 0.67
Women's issues 0.64 0.69
Society and life 0.71 0.72
Behavior and thinking 0.71 0.73
Table 1: Factor loadings and corrected item-scale correlations for 12 items of interests in Arabic culture (N = 662). Note: All the correlation coefficients are significant at p < 0.01.