Sl. No. Activation Area Brodmann Area L/Ra TalaraichCoordinatesb(mm) t-test
X Y Z p - valueb (uncorrected) Bonferroni corrected
1 Right middle temporal cortex (rMTC) 37 R 66 -54 0 p <0.000002 p <0.049
2 Right inferior frontal cortex (rIFC) 44, 45 and 47 R -48 14 18 p <0.000002 p <0.049
3 Left lateral orbital gyrus (LOG) 11 L 6 42 -21 p <0.000002 p <0.049
aLeft or Right Hemisphere
bFrom the atlas of Talairach and Tournoux (1988)
Table 2: Areas of Activation and Talairach Coordinates in the Comparison Between Random Thinking and Pure Meditation