1. Assessment of candidates for penile prosthesis surgery, back surgery, organ transplantation, in vitro fertilization or oocyte donation
2. Desensitization of fears of medical and dental treatments—including needles, anesthesia, childbirth, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) procedures
3. Treatment to enhance coping with or control over pain, including chronic back pain, headache, or severe burn
4. Interventions to control symptoms such as vomiting with chemotherapy, scratching with neurodermatitis, vasospasms with Raynaud’s phenomenon, or diarrhea with irritable bowel syndrome
5. Support groups for chronic illness, cardiac rehabilitation, HIV-positive patients, or families of the terminally ill
6. Training to overcome physical handicaps after trauma, cognitive retraining after stroke, or training to use prosthetic devices effectively
7. Behavior-change programs for behavioral risk factors such as smoking, weight, and stress
8. Consultations and workshops to deal with issues of staff burnout, communication, and role conflict
9. Consultations and program development regarding patient compliance (e.g., special aids for the elderly or inpatient units for insulin-dependent diabetic children
10. Consultations with industry to develop worksite health-promotion programs and management of occupational stress
11. Development of psychosocial services for oncology patients
12. Neuropsychological assessments for baseline, diagnostic, and treatment-planning purposes
Table 1: Health Care Activities [1].