Low Threat Estimation High Threat Estimation
Sample size (females, males) 27 (21, 6) 32 (17, 15)
Age in years 21.19 (4.10) 20.78 (3.06)
Threat Estimation from the OBQ-44 14.56* (3.63) 26.88* (5.27)
OCI-R 8.83* (9.26) 24.44* (14.38)
BDI 6.27* (6.78) 15.11* (9.99)
SAI 33.75* (6.61) 43.38* (12.29)
Note: Group means and (standard deviations) are reported; Significant group differences (p < 0.05) are denoted with an asterisk. OCI-R = the Obsessive- Compulsive Inventory-Revised; OBQ-44 = Obsessive Beliefs Questionnaire; BDI = the Beck Depression Inventory; SAI = State Anxiety Inventory.
Table 2: Group characteristics for the high and low Threat Estimation groups