About to start treatment  Just started treatment
Measures* M SD N M SD N
Age 39.04 10.78 24 47.50 10.40 12
BDI-II 33.83 9.20 24 31.25 7.61 12
RSS 43.21 8.57 24 40.92 8.19 12
SCIT -1.86 7.30 22 -0.45 4.72 11
AMT Total  4.45 2.29 22 4.10 2.33 10
*Note. BDI-II=Beck Depression Inventory 2; RSS=Rumination on Sadness Scale; SCIT=Sentence Completion Task; AMT=Autobiographical Memory Task.
Table 1: Descriptive statistics for the depressed sample divided per group (“About to start treatment” versus “Just started treatment”).